Friday, June 29, 2007

Week 2 Thing 4

Registered my blog and read some. Will there be a way to sort out Maryland 23 things ones from all the others? I can see now that it's going to be very easy to get lost in blog-world.

Week 2 Thing 3

Never knew it would be this easy to set up a blog. Already had a gmail account so it went smoothly. Nice intuitive interface too. Good deal. Or, as we used to say in the Pikesville librarians' office: Hot jambalaya!

Week 1 Thing 2

Big fans of Steven Covey know about habits, and BCPL has conducted workshops in lifelong learning, so I felt right at home reading about this and deciding on something to learn about.

Week 1 Thing 1

So far signing up for Maryland 23 Things and reading about what the program entails has been a lot more uncomplicated than I had predicted. Just enough detail, and lots of room for individual creativity.

Easy and Hard Habits of Lifelong Learners

The hardest habit for me of the 71/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners would have to be habit 5: assembling a learning toolbox. Because there are so many choices and material formats out there it will be difficult to know what to put in there. I learn best by reading print on paper and following a tutorial, so I guess this is how I would start.

The easiest one would be habit 1: begin with the end in mind. Usually when I start something, especially some project around the house, I always know where it will go before I start to plan. Now sometimes it doesn't always work out that way, but I usually have some idea.

Never Afraid to Learn Something New

What would you do if you weren't afraid? You'd sure learn more things. Immobility and fear that you won't understand are things that hold people back. When you learn one small thing, it empowers you to go on and learn another thing. Like juggling. You can't be afraid to drop stuff.