Friday, July 27, 2007

Thing 13

A good friend who started a new career as a web designer years ago shared his many bookmarks with me on and I remember looking them over and just marveling at the time at how many technology sites there were, and I had fun then, as now, playing with them. It's a little strange to see my familiar bookmarks displayed this way, but I like being able to choose who sees them and keeping some private, since a few are personal log-ins for other email accounts. Using the cloud feature should be familiar to all of us who play with BCPL's public catalog and instruct customers in its use! Again, great fun here. If you want to check out my bookmarks, here they are:

Bear in mind that some of there are old and not visited for a while, but I hope you have some fun with them.


betsyboop said...


Sorry for the annoyance, but you are pretty annoying anyway. Go to my blog "Betsyboop" and read the rules.

JimD said...

Just thought I'd drop in to say hi. You're zipping along through the 'things'. Hope you're enjoying it. I hadn't tried until I saw it in the 23 thigns program and now I'm using it all the time. Love the idea of tags rather than categorized folders. It's much easier to keep track of things that way!